
Metaverse real estate buyers regret it: Turns out it was just a hype
Metaverse was such a huge concept once, yet the buyers regret their decisions. Here are all the details.

Research suggests it is easier to socialize and learn in Metaverse
Metaverse occupies the agenda of behavioral scientists as well as the technology world. Studies show that personalized avatars offer a more realistic experience and reduce social anxiety.

Japanese companies introduced the Metaverse Economic Zone
Lido made its biggest splash in the daily entry; Japanese firms introduce the Metaverse Economic Zone.

Gen Z is interested in jobs related to metaverse!
Metaverse is becoming more and more real each and every day, and it looks like Gen Z likes it.

The potential economic value of Metaverse will be $5 trillion
The McKinsey report states that the potential economic value of Metaverse is expected to be $5 trillion by 2030.