SpaceX venture to deploy satellite in support of Apple emergency SOS initiative

SpaceX is set to play a pivotal role in supporting Apple's Emergency SOS initiative by deploying satellites aimed at enhancing the feature's reliability.

SpaceX venture to deploy satellite in support of Apple emergency SOS initiative
SpaceX venture to deploy satellite in support of Apple emergency SOS initiative.

Apple made a significant stride in ensuring user safety when it introduced the Emergency SOS service via satellite on its iPhone 14 series last year. This vital feature is now anticipated to continue with the upcoming iPhone 15 series, slated for a September 12 launch. In the run-up to this event, a recent report has shed light on Apple's efforts to enhance satellite connectivity on its iPhones. The tech giant, in collaboration with satellite partner Globalstar, is enlisting the help of SpaceX to launch a fleet of new satellites that will bolster the effectiveness of the Emergency SOS via Satellite feature on iPhones.

SpaceX venture to deploy satellite in support of Apple emergency SOS initiative

In a significant deal, Globalstar will be disbursing $64 million to SpaceX for the launch of these satellites, with payments scheduled to be made in installments over the coming years, culminating in 2025 when the satellites are projected to be sent into orbit.

The Emergency SOS via Satellite feature made its debut last year alongside the iPhone 14 models. This groundbreaking technology empowers iPhone users to contact emergency services even when traditional cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity is unavailable.

Initially, Apple had announced that the Emergency SOS via Satellite feature would be offered for free during its first two years of implementation. However, it now appears likely that Apple may introduce a nominal fee for its continued use, given the substantial investments being made to enhance its reliability.

Furthermore, Globalstar has entered into an agreement to allocate a significant 85% of its existing and future network capacity to cater to the needs of Apple's iPhones. They will be responsible for providing and maintaining all the required personnel, software, satellite systems, and more while adhering to minimum quality and coverage standards.

This partnership between Apple and Globalstar is not a new endeavor; in 2022, Apple invested a substantial $450 million in developing critical infrastructure to support the Emergency SOS via satellite feature for iPhone 14 models, with a significant portion of these funds directed toward Globalstar. Similarly, Globalstar's acquisition of satellite equipment worth $327 million from a Canadian company received support from Apple in the form of a $252 million loan.

The Emergency SOS via satellite feature is currently available in several countries, including the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and Portugal, ensuring that users in these regions can enjoy the added security and peace of mind it provides.

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