Spotify announces the big change
The heart icon will be replaced by a dual-purpose plus button on Spotify. Here are all the details.

These days brands are announcing big changes within the company. For example Nokia has announced that they changed their logo for a minimal version. Today, Spotify announced that it will eliminate the heart icon.
Spotify has decided to eliminate heart icon

According to Spotify's blog post, the heart icon was used "to mark the songs you wanted to save" and the "Add to playlist" icon was used to add tracks or episodes to your preferred playlist. With the change you'll only see one plus icon from now on. Any song, playlist, or podcast can be saved and saved to a specific location by simply tapping the plus button.
Tap the plus button to save a song or podcast episode. The plus will change into a green check once your selection has been successfully added to Liked Songs or Your Episodes. You can change the destination of the saved content by tapping on the green check. You can also add an entire album, playlist, or audiobook to Your Library by clicking plus. Thanks to the change the experience oon the platform will be much more easy and improve user experience.