Humanoid robot is coming! The future will reshape
OpenAI has been working on a Humanoid robot. ChatGPT creater has rolled up its sleeves for the next target.

ChatGPT has been new into our lives and there are many problems to adress about it. Yet this does not stop OpenAI to work on their next project. OpenAI has been working on a humanoid robot.
OpenAI has been working on a humanoid robot
There are lingering problems about ChatGPT, especially yesterday we wrote about how AI has come with a plan to destroy humanity. Yet OpenAI continues with their plans.
The CEO said, "We will continue to take important steps in the field of robotics and grow the global labor market" and added "1X is at the forefront of increasing its workforce using safe and advanced technologies in robotics. The OpenAI Startup Fund believes in 1X's approach and the impact it can have on the future of the business sector." What kind of problems would occur and what kind of future awaits human kind is still unknown yet OpenAI is determined to continue with their plans. Also we still don't fully understand how the OpenAI-1X collaboration will work, we might find out as soon as "Summer 2023" — the timeframe 1X has set for the official debut of their bipedal robot named "NEO."