Apple is reportedly working on something exciting for iOS

Apple has been quite active this year with their new updates and events. In that sense company announced a brand new feature.

Apple is reportedly working on something exciting for iOS
Apple to work on a new feature for iOS

Apple has received harsh treatment from the European Union. Previously, they outlawed the sale of iPhones due to the absence of included charging cables. Later, the Union enacted a law requiring USB Type-C ports on all electronic devices, indirectly harming Apple. According to a new online report, Apple has been ordered by the EU to allow third-party app stores and software sideloading on their iPhones. It's said that the company is working on it right now.

Apple is reportedly working on something exciting for iOS

Apple is reportedly working on something exciting for iOS

In the beginning, Apple will only include sideloading support in Europe. Users would be able to download apps without using the App Store if the company implemented the new change on their iPhones. This would mean that developers would not have to pay Apple's 15-30% fees. Sideloading, according to Apple, will "undermine the privacy and security measures" that iPhone users rely on, making customers more vulnerable to viruses, scams, data tracking, and other issues. Alternative app stores may become accessible outside of the European Union in the event that additional nations adopt legislation with a structure that is comparable to this one. For example, regulation ordering Apple's endorsement of sideloading is being viewed as in the US. On November 1, the European Union's Digital Markets Act required "gatekeeper" businesses to make their platforms and services accessible to developers and other businesses. The DMA will have a big effect on Apple's platforms and could change the App Store, Messages, FaceTime, Siri, and other services a lot. Apple must adhere to EU regulations by March 6, 2024.
