Twitter Blue gets better and better updates

Twitter Blue has become a paid feature yet the company continues to offer special features for it. Here are all the details.

Twitter Blue gets better and better updates
Twitter Blue Check mark gets better and better

Elon Musk bought the Twitter and everything changed. The first thing that changed was making blue check a paid one. Ever since the company offered more and more for the feature. Blue service is essentially what gives you the Blue checkmark and checks your profile but it now comes with better qualifications.

Twitter Blue gets better and better updates

blue check

A Gold checkmark would be given to large corporations and businesses in order to distinguish them from regular users. On the microblogging platform, users can also skip advertisements with the Blue subscription. However, the benefits will also increase with the most recent update, which includes "prioritized rankings in conversations."  As a result, your replies will rank higher and appear more prominently in tweets. Moreover, the organization is additionally allowing clients now to transfer as long as hour long lengthy recordings too. Elon Musk promised last month that Blue subscribers who pay $8 per month would receive "priority in replies, mentions, and search" and be able to post one-hour videos, so these two new features shouldn't come as a surprise.

According to true notes from Twitter support, the need rankings will likewise "assist with bringing down the perceivability of tricks, spam, and bots." However, it is still unknown whether every tweet response will feature Blue subscribers at the top of the list.
