The statue of Martin Luther King in Boston is a mocking subject now

The stature of Martin Luther King in Boston has become a mocking subject online now. Here are all the details.

The statue of Martin Luther King in Boston is a mocking subject now
The Martin Luther King stature is mocked online

The new statue of Martin Luther King Jr., the symbol of the anti-racist movement in the USA, caused controversy. The stature is mocked online and became a subject for fooling around. The statue, unveiled on Friday (January 13), in Boston, the capital of Massachusetts, has been compared to a penis. 

The statue of Martin Luther King in Boston is a mocking subject now

According to Thomas' statement to the Boston Globe, "This work is really about the capacity for each of us to be enveloped in love," and "I feel enveloped in love every time I hear the names and see the faces of Dr. King and Coretta Scott King."  But the online community might feel differently about the statue.

Sculptor Hank Willis Thomas was inspired by a photograph of King embracing his wife, Coretta Scott King, after winning the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize.