Google Search had a blast with World Cup 2022 Final

Google Search has its highlight with the World Cup 2022 Final game. Here are the analysis.

Google Search had a blast with World Cup 2022 Final
Google Search has a blast with World Cup

FIFA World Cup final match happened yesterday and social media has a blast. CEO Sundar Pichai tweeted yesterday that Google Search saw the most traffic in its 25-year history during the FIFA World Cup. Espcecially Google Search and Twitter had a blast. It is also likely to be the most watched final in history when figures are released.

Google Search had a blast with World Cup 2022 Final

The final game was quite exciting with the Argentina and France going for penalties. For the game specially Google made it easy for users. When you searched for "World Cup," a dedicated section at the top of the page displayed a list of upcoming matches, including dates and local times. 

It was a historic night in a sense that Lionel Messi winning his first World Cup and performing his last match. Social media has a blast with the game as well. Google announced that they got the highest ever traffic in 25 years.