You have conflicts? Here is the reason
Conflict is one of the most annoying situations in life. So why do we have it even if we try not to? Here is why.

Different kinds of disagreements will naturally and unavoidably arise whenever two or more people interact at work or in their personal lives because of individual differences. What irritates you may not irritate your partner or coworker at work. In a similar vein, what you regard as extremely significant might not be at all significant to someone else. When one or both parties are rigid, rigid, or judgmental, conflicts are more likely.
Conflicts are a part of life
Misunderstandings and "getting things wrong" are caused by inaccurate, inadequate, or incompetent communication, different perceptions, or faulty interpretations.
Struggle is in many cases caused through wrong or uncontrolled realities and data. It is possible for someone to misrepresent information or events either intentionally or unintentionally. Of course, as additional individuals become engaged with a conflict or in a bunch of contradicting positions or perspectives, the more complicated and dug in the contention becomes and it can heighten and spread rapidly. Power dynamics are another significant factor that contributes to conflict. When there is a power imbalance, such as when a partner or coworker is very controlling or you feel disempowered or treated unfairly in some way, especially if this affects your needs, rights, or values, conflict is almost always inevitable.