Why does Japan have almost no homeless people?

Japan has the lowest homeless people rate in the world and here is the reason for it.

Why does Japan have almost no homeless people?
Japan has the lowest homeless people rate

Japan has been always a strong country with stong economy until 90's. After a long time of huge success Japan started to fall during 90's. The economy started to go down and people had to work for a low paying jobs for a while, still the country has the lowest homeless people rate in the world and here is why.

Japan has the lowest rate of homeless people

Japan has the lowest homeless people rate

Japan has very strict rules for almost anything. The banks that homeless people can sleep on are designed in such a way that it is impossible to sit a long time yet alone sleep. The country also has really strict rules for drug use. The drug users are punished in extreme ways therefore the addiction is also really low. The culture also makes it impossible to accept and homeless people in Japan because Japanese people think the only responsible people of homeless people's situation is themselves.

But this is not the whole story. Japan has a widenetwork and manga cafes. These cafes work 24 hours and "homeless" people started to use them as temporary shelters. Cafe also offers showers, underwears and food, so it serves as a shelter for homeless people. Altough the cafe is not cheap, people work at part time jobs and use manga cafes to shelter, hiding their true state.