This robot vacuum can climb stairs

AI has been getting more and more advanced everyday and now a new robot vacuum that can clim stairs is here.

This robot vacuum can climb stairs
First robot to claim stairs is here

A company has designed a robot vacuum that can climb stairs and even clean stairs. We have seen so many things last year from Boston Dynamics with Atlas robot. They can run, jump and do many things that humankind can do. It looks like robots are getting smarter now as we see they can climb stairs and also clean.


This robot can climb and clean stairs

The device, produced by a company called Migo Robotics, climbs the step by extending its robotic legs instead of turning back when it comes across the ladder while sweeping the floors. 

Since these legs allow the robot vacuum to maneuver, the device, which continues to move on its wheels, can also clean the steps. This process is repeated until the broom climbs all the stairs and goes upstairs.

This robot vacuum can climb stairs - Image 2

Still, there are things that current robot vacuums still can't do. These include being able to climb bumps and stairs or descend without falling. Although seeing the improvements we can say that it will not take long time for robots to come to a better place.
