This AI can recognize pneumonia from coughing sound

Scientists created an AI technology that can recognize pneumonia from coughing sound which would be very beneficial.

This AI can recognize pneumonia from coughing sound
AI to recognize pneumonia from coughing

Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence program that recognizes pneumonia by listening to cough sounds. Researcher Jin Yong Jeon of Hanyang University in South Korea and his team used the voices of people diagnosed with pneumonia to train artificial intelligence.

This AI can recognize pneumonia from coughing sound


However, in the experiment, attention was paid to the fact that each room and recording device were different. Thus, artificial intelligence would not be affected by technical changes in the acoustics of the rooms and recording devices.  When the information obtained from here was combined with cough sounds, it was seen that artificial intelligence could recognize pneumonia in any environment.

The team presented the results of the study at the 183rd meeting of the Acoustic Society of America on December 5.Pneumonia is one of the most common causes of death in the world. The disease, also known as pneumonia, affects children, older adults, and hospitalized people. Early diagnosis and treatment is very important for these immunocompromised people to get rid of pneumonia. But current diagnostic methods include a series of blood tests and X-rays. Before these are done, the doctor should examine the patient face to face and suspect pneumonia.

That's why Jeon and his team believe that the artificial intelligence they have designed will make a big difference in diagnosis and treatment methods when it becomes available for commercial use. However, the impact of this technology can be very important not only for early diagnosis but also for remote examinations. "Automatic diagnosis of a disease through information about cough sounds will also facilitate treatment that cannot be done face-to-face," Jeon said: So it will also be possible to reduce overall medical costs.