The Quantum Apocalypse is on the edge: World's savings are at the stake

Chinese researches claimed that the Quantum Apocalypse is on the edge. Here are all the details.

The Quantum Apocalypse is on the edge:  World's savings are at the stake
Quantom Apocalypse might be on the edge

Experts warn that a "Quantum Apocalypse" could reveal everything from government secrets to internet banking. An academic paper written by Chinese researchers suggested earlier this year that a quantum computer—a new technology developed by Google and IBM, among others—could break the encryption that keeps us safe online.

The Quantum Apocalypse is on the edge: World's savings could vanish

The Quantum Apocalypse is on the edge:  World's savings are at the stake

Sectigo's chief experience officer, Tim Callan, told that quantum computers could one day "make the encryption we use today no longer fit for purpose," despite their relatively primitive state. The warning comes shortly after University of Chicago researchers revealed that they were working on a quantum internet that cannot be hacked.

Chinese researchers have proposed a new code-breaking algorithm that would run on a small quantum computer constructed from technology that is already within reach. As a result, mainstream encryption that is currently in use may become vulnerable within years rather than decades. However, senior security and quantum experts in the United States have voiced doubts and concerns regarding China's claim. Quantum computers can break codes in a short amount of time by speeding up the factoring of large numbers, which is a difficult task for traditional computers.