Study found: The language you speak determines how your brain works
A study has shown that the language you speak determines how your brain works. Here are all the details.

Do you remember the movie Arrival? Where aliens came and tried to teach human kind their language. When a linguist has learned their language she was able to break the understanding of time, because in alien language there was no time. Ever since when i saw that movie I was convinced that the language you speak/know has an affect on your brain and thinking, and now this concept has been proved by a study.
The language you speak affects your brain
A team working on the topic at the Max Plank Institute (MPI) in Munich had users with German and Arabic speaking users whose brain structures were different. One of the authors of the study, Dr. "A much stronger connectivity was seen in the right and left hemispheres of the brain of Arabic speakers," Alfred Anwander said in a statement. Anwander said that German-speaking people predominantly use language networks in the left half of the brain.
The research team is now conducting a study on whether language learned later in life can have the same effect on the brain as language learned in childhood. The team observes the brain connectivity of Arab refugees starting to learn German. Previous studies on the subject have revealed that the language learned in adulthood is processed in a different region of the brain than the mother tongue.