SpaceX's first launch of the year takes place
Another year has passed and 2023 has arrived, in that sense SpaceX has started their first launch of the year.

SpaceX has announced their first project of 2023. Now SpaceX starts the Falcon 9 rocket which will carry the Transporter-6 mission into space. The Carrier 6 mission will take off from Space Send off Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral in Florida utilizing a first stage sponsor liable for assuming control more than twelve other past missions to circle, including 10 Starlink dispatches. It is the latest in SpaceX's series of dedicated rideshare Transporter missions and the company's first launch of the year.
SpaceX's first launch of the year takes place
114 payloads will be sent into space by Transporter-6. As NASA Spaceflight takes note of, those remember minuscule picosatellites a couple of centimeters for size to microsatellites that load around 200 pounds for both logical foundations and business substances. On this mission, EOS Data Analytics, a customer, will launch the first satellite in its constellation focused on agriculture. Space tugs, or spacecraft that can move cargo from one orbit to another, are also being launched by a few companies. These spacecraft will later deploy payload for their own customers.
The Transporter-6 launch will be broadcast live by SpaceX on YouTube 10 minutes before liftoff is anticipated. The live webcast is available to watch below: