Object found in sky: Nothing like we have ever seen
Sky has been a matter of curiosity for humankind and now scientists have found something we have never seen before. Here are all the details.

Astronomers have found "objects no one has seen before" in a new and detailed star atlas. Sky has been always a matter of curiosity for humankind and new findings make everyone surprised. We have seen more things than we have ever seen in history in the last couple years.
Scientists have found new things in the sky
Scientists found these new objects, combining more than 1 million images from the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (Vista) into enormous mosaics. The new star atlas shows young stars at birth surrounded by dense dust clouds. Milky Way is a mystery consisting many things yet to discover and every little discover leads to something else in our pursuit to understand the universe.
In addition to creating spectacular images, these observations can also help scientists unravel the mysteries of how stars are born.
"In these images, we can reveal objects that no one has seen before by detecting even the weakest sources of light, such as stars much smaller than the Sun," says Stefan Meingast, an astronomer at the University of Vienna in Austria and lead author of the new study.
These findings will form the basis for further studies, including observations from ESO's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), which is still under construction.