North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missile!

Things in Asia are starting to get out of control, North Korea launches a ballisctic missile. Here all the details.

North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missile!
North Korea launches ballistic missile!

South Korea and Japan reported that North Korea launched intercontinental ballistic missiles. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that North Korea launched an ICBM to the east at 10:18 a.m. local time. The Japanese Ministry of Defense also confirmed that the missile was launched from the western part of the Korean Peninsula. Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told reporters that the missile is estimated to have landed within the Japanese national exclusive zone.

North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missile!

north korea ballistic

Kishida said the Japanese government condemned the North's "provocative action", which he described as "unacceptable". The progress in North Korea's missile technologies cannot be ignored.

Japanese Defense Minister Hamada Yasukazu said he opposed North Korea's "unprecedented frequency of missile testing". Emphasizing that regional tensions are rising, Minister Hamada said that for the security of his country, the progress in North Korea's missile technologies "cannot be ignored". It was recorded that the missile fell in the west of Hokkaido region in northern Japan at around 11:20 am local time.

It was reported that no damage was detected to sea and air vehicles cruising in the region. Japanese Public Television NHK announced that with the last test, the Pyongyang administration carried out the 34th missile test this year.