Metaverse real estate buyers regret it: Turns out it was just a hype
Metaverse was such a huge concept once, yet the buyers regret their decisions. Here are all the details.

When metaverse was introduced everyone was so excited and it was a huge thing. People started to buy real estate and many things regarding metaverse world, yet it turned out to be just a baloon now. No one talks about it anymore and the buyers regret their decision.
Metaverse real estate was just a hype

Last year all we heard online was metaverse. People would buy real estate in metaverse world or invest in it, yet it turnes out it was just a hype. Formerly $1 billion-valued virtual property platform Decentraland is free. The internet was exploding with metaverse news all over the place. While virtual lands were sold at exorbitant prices in exchange for NFT, fashion brands were holding fashion shows there, and musicians were holding virtual concerts.
In Decentraland, which was once valued at $1 billion, it is alleged that only 20 to 30 people a week actually buy and sell properties. This means roughly $50,000 in transactions. People are not interested in metaverse as they were interested before. Events or the hype is lost now and as for now it looks like a bad invesment.