Liquid water on Mars is found!

Mars has been a subject of study for human kind and more discoveries are being done. Here are all the details.

Liquid water on Mars is found!
Water is found on Mars

Grooves on the slopes of Martian craters were likely formed by water flow "very recently", according to a new study that sheds more light on whether life could exist on the Red Planet.


Is there life in space? This question has always been a subject of study and curiosity for human kind. The existence of life on a planet, as seen on Earth, goes hand in hand with the existence of liquid water. Recently there has been an important discovery showing that there is water on Mars.

Liquid water on Mars is found! - Image 2

Liquid water is found on Mars recently

Water is an important element to consider life on a certain planet. There has been so many studies involving Mars and now some important discoveries are being done. Researchers have previously shown that liquid water likely formed grooves on Mars. The new study, published Thursday in the scientific journal Science, estimated the angle of this tilt and matched it with the locations and heights of the troughs discovered so far on the Red Planet.

Liquid water on Mars is found! - Image 3

Researchers, including Jim Head of Brown University in the USA, simulated conditions on Mars that would allow the planet to warm above freezing. This resulted in periods when liquid water was formed when surface and subsurface ice melted. 

A Dr. who takes part in the study said "Water explains the height distribution of the pits in a way that carbon dioxide cannot. This means that Mars has been able to form enough liquid water to erode the channels in the last million years, which is very recent on the scale of the planet's geological history."
