How to be a good friend? Here is what experts suggest
Being a good friend can have various meanings for different people but here is what experts say about it.

Friends are very important in our lives. They are there when we are having bad times, and always there to celebrate if things are going well. How to be a good friend can be tricky for different people yet Harvard scientists have some ideas on it.

After 85 years of research, Harvard scientists determined that having better relationships with other people more often is the key to happiness. The book "The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness" by psychiatrist Robert Waldinger and psychologist Marc Schulz, revealed how to be a good friend.

Friendship is important because human beings want to have meaningful communicatons with others. To have better friendships you need to share your problems with friends. Psychiatrist Waldinger emphasized that talking about your problems is important in improving the relationships you have established.

Waldinger told Insider: Before, I used to think, 'I will never complain about my health like my parents do'. But now I understand that. Because I'm getting old. When we're with friends our age, we talk a lot about our health. I'm not hiding this.