Anti-aging cure is discovered! Long lasting cells are possible
Anti-aging cure might be discovered. Scientist discovered a way make cells long lasting. Here are all the details.

Aging is humankind's one of the worst enemy. Due to technological developments scientists are able to make cells last longer. Although we do now have cure for everything, especially cure for aging is needed. Researchers have accomplished a huge forward leap in the work to slow the maturing system with a clever procedure that expanded the life expectancies of yeast cells by an astounding 82 percent, reports another review.
Aging cure might be discovered
Researchers were able to prevent cells from fully committing to either deterioration process by programming them to switch between two aging pathways. This method nearly doubled the lifespan of the cells. This manufactured "flip switch" offers a potential guide toward medicines that might one day at some point broaden human life span, however that future is profoundly speculative as of now.
Of course more studies are needed to be done, but even this small step is a huge hope for humankind. With the advanced technology it might be possible to prevent aging in the future. Although it is a natural process to be born, get old and die, human kind has always been trying to find ways to prevent dying.