A new disease threatening humanity is at the door
Another life threatening disease might be at the door. Here are all the details.

After the coronavirus canceled our lives, we are very tired of diseases, but unfortunately, disasters continue to befall the world. Scientists are concerned about the health of multiple species because this is reportedly the first time researchers have ever documented and quantified the pathological effects of ingested plastic in wild animals.
A new disease might be at the corner
According to the latest research, some seabirds may literally be torn apart from the inside by sharp plastic fragments. This study "clearly demonstrates the ability of plastic to directly induce severe, organ-wide scar tissue formation" or "plasticosis" in wild, free-living animals, the researchers write.
The disease seen in shearwater birds on Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, Australia, occurs as a result of repeated damage to soft tissue by plastic. It is not clear whether this disease will spread like the coronavirus and turn our lives upside down. After a long period of problems, a new disease is something that no one wants to see, but as long as we continue to waste natural resources, this situation does not seem to end.