iPhone 15 Pro users face burn issues due to overheating!

The iPhone 15 Pro, developed by American tech giant Apple and launched last month, continues to manifest overheating problems.

iPhone 15 Pro users face burn issues due to overheating!

Apple's iPhone 15 Pro has recently garnered attention, albeit for undesirable reasons. Reports are flooding in from users experiencing significant overheating issues, with some even sustaining burns. While the device was still under review prior to its launch, there were hints about the A17 Pro chip's propensity to generate excessive heat.

Users have taken to social media platforms, displaying images of burns on various parts of their bodies, which they attribute to the iPhone 15 Pro's overheating problem. Their testimonies emphasize the gravity of the situation and urge individuals to exercise caution when using the device.

iPhone 15 Pro users face burn issues due to overheating!

In response to these alarming reports, Apple acknowledged the problem, citing the potential for the iPhone 15 Pro to become unusually hot, particularly during its initial days of operation. Such behavior may be attributed to the rigorous processes involved in setting up or restoring the device.

Tech aficionados speculate that the heating issue may arise from Apple's decision to favor aesthetics over functionality. By slimming down the iPhone 15 Pro, they may have compromised on efficient heat dissipation. The device's reduced surface area and the switch to a titanium frame— which conducts heat more rapidly than the previously used stainless steel— could further exacerbate the problem.

However, overheating isn't the sole concern. Several users have encountered glitches with the NFC chips after utilizing BMW's wireless charging pads. This interference affects functionalities like Apple Pay and digital car keys. Although Apple hasn't provided a comprehensive solution, users are currently advised to exercise caution when using the said chargers.
