Huawei Mate 60 series possibly to support voice calling via satellite

The upcoming Huawei Mate 60 series might revolutionize communication by potentially enabling voice calls through satellite connectivity.

Huawei Mate 60 series possibly to support voice calling via satellite
Huawei Mate 60 series possibly to support voice calling via satellite.

The latest news from Huawei reveals that the company's Mate 60 series is on the horizon, bringing with it the promise of enhanced satellite connectivity capabilities. Unlike its predecessor, the Mate 50 series, which was limited to satellite messaging, the Mate 60 series is rumored to embrace a groundbreaking feature: the potential for voice calling through satellite communication. This advancement is attributed to the development of innovative power amplifier chips, which are expected to redefine the landscape of mobile communication.

Huawei Mate 60 series possibly to support voice calling via satellite

In the realm of satellite technology, the spotlight is on the power amplifier (PA) chips that are anticipated to grace the Mate 60 series. These chips are ingeniously crafted by Chinese chipmakers and tailored to seamlessly integrate with the Tiantong-1 satellite mobile communication system. This sophisticated system is designed to facilitate not only voice communication, but also image transmission, accurate positioning, and data reporting.

At the heart of this technological marvel lies the pivotal role played by the PA chips. Within devices such as the Huawei Mate X3 and P60 series, these chips are the unsung heroes that enable two-way satellite communication via SMS. By meticulously amplifying the high-frequency signals generated by the communication integrated circuit (RF-IC), the PA chips ensure that the output reaches the necessary level and is efficiently directed to an antenna. This intricate process of signal amplification is the linchpin of effective satellite communication, poised to even support the holy grail of mobile telephony: voice calls.

Interestingly, the PA chips that are rumored to be an integral part of the Huawei Mate 60 series are not of Huawei's own making. Instead, the company has entrusted this crucial responsibility to an undisclosed Chinese chip manufacturer. While the specific details remain shrouded in mystery, the incorporation of these chips raises the tantalizing possibility that Huawei's upcoming smartphones might emerge as pioneers in enabling voice calls through satellite connectivity.

If these speculations materialize into reality, it would be a landmark achievement, heralding the dawn of a new era where smartphones redefine the boundaries of communication. By contrast, even the revered iPhone 14 series from Apple only permits satellite-based emergency SOS calls, highlighting the groundbreaking nature of Huawei's endeavors.
