These habits will add 20 years to your life span!
Habits are what make us who we are and these habits can help you live longer. Here are all the details.

Habits shape everything about us. Our health, how our brain functions and everything is related to our habits. In that sense having good habits is very important. Today we will share with you the habits that can add 20 years to your life span.

US scientists identified some healthy habits that will increase lifespan by 24 years. According to the researchers, those who adopt these habits by the age of 40 add 24 years to their lifespan. "Either gradually or adopt them all at once," says health science expert Xuan-Mai Nguyen of these habits.

The first one is of course exercising. Nguyen says that people who adopt this habit have a 46 percent lower risk of dying from any cause than those who don't exercise. Exercising can help fight with current diseases and have a better life.

Second one is not being addicted to opioids. According to Nyugen and colleagues, abstaining from opioids reduces the risk of premature death by 38 percent. You should definitely stay away from morphine, heroin, fentanyl, codeine, oxycodone, tramadol, and methadone.