Surprising link between sleep and vaccine effect! Do not do this

Data indicate that getting less than six hours of sleep reduces the immune system's response to vaccines.

Surprising link between sleep and vaccine effect! Do not do this
Sleeping is important for overall health

It has been years since the coronavirus entered our lives and we were able to return to our normal lives thanks to the vaccine. however, an interesting connection with sleep has been discovered for the vaccine to be effective. A new study shows that getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine, especially in young men.

A new study revealed a link between vaccine and sleep


It was known that the immune response of people as a result of vaccination varies depending on factors such as age, gender and general health and it is no exception with vaccine.  The review compared the antibodies formed in the bodies of people who slept 7 to 9 hours a night and those who slept less than 6 hours. Experts state that 7 to 9 hours of sleep is the recommended level for healthy adults.

The research, published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Current Biology, provides compelling evidence that getting less than 6 hours of sleep reduces the immune response induced by vaccination in men.  According to the final result, Individuals may need to make sure they are getting enough sleep the week before and after vaccination and plan accordingly.