Supplements: Do they do more harm than good?
Supplements are used widely by everyone, but are they doing more harm than good? Let's take look.

Supplements can help you remain your health in a good shape, but do they always? For example green tea extract is good for many things, they contain antioxidants, they can help you have a healthy heart but not everyone should use them. If you are taking some pills for your heart, or blood problems, you should not use green tea extract. So how can we know if we can use supplements or not? How much is safe and do we really need them? Let's take a look.
Are supplements really healthy?
You might be taking a vitamin supplement to make up for a vitamin deficiency or to lower your risk of certain diseases, or you might just want to take better care of your health. Americans have been taking supplements for decades, including zinc and vitamin A, but there can be some problems.
"Supplements may interact with other medications you’re taking or pose risks if you have certain medical conditions, such as liver disease, or are going to have surgery," Dr. Millstein explains. You may need to take extra precautions because some supplements haven't been tested on children, pregnant women, or nursing mothers.
Another mistake we do taking a multivitamin without checking your blood results. Although they are healthy supplements can interact with something else, therefore they should always be taken with doctor suggestion.