Must do things for healthy teeth and gum
Having healthy teeth and gum is very important for both our body and confidence. Here are some useful tips.

Having a beautiful smile can be a confidence booster for many and therefore teeth and gum health stands out as being very important. Our teeth is the first step for our body to get the nutritions in our body. There are some small tips you can do to better your teeth.

First of all everything is harmful if over done. Brushing your teeth over and over many times can be harmful for your teeth and can do harm rather than good. With that being said the bacteria and plaque that build up throughout the day can be eliminated by brushing before bed. Therefore make sure to brush your teeth before bed.

Your tongue can also become stained with plaque. Not exclusively can this lead to insult scent, however it can prompt other oral medical issues. Delicately brush your tongue each time you clean your teeth. Also do not forget to check your tongue's color.

Some people can have some white plague on their tongue which is a sign for fungal infection that can be caused by antibiotics or some diseases. In case you notice something different make sure to see your doctor about it.