Do not do this when you are trying to sleep
Trying to sleep can be troublesome sometimes and there are some things that can affect your sleep. Let's take a look.

When you are trying to sleep yet can't, stress can affect you badly. On top of that some things you do also have negative affect on your sleep. Experts say that checking your watch often when you are trying to sleep can disturb your sleep.

According to a new study, looking at the clock while suffering from insomnia causes sleep deprivation. The research, led by Spencer Dawson of Indiana University's Department of Psychology and Brain Sciences, analyzed the data of approximately 5,000 patients.

Participants were asked about the severity of their insomnia problems, whether they used sleeping pills, and the time they spent observing their own behavior while trying to sleep. Researchers studied the relationship between these factors.

"We found that looking at the clock while trying to sleep has an effect on using sleeping pills, because this behavior increases the symptoms of insomnia," Dawson said. "People worry that they won't get enough sleep, and then they calculate how long they'll sleep until they have to wake up" It is true we have this kind of thinking but it does not necessarily help us sleep better.