5 things to eat to reduce depression
Depression and diet has a direct link between and you can help yourself reduce depression with your diet.

Depression is no joke and what we eat contributes to it a lot. Some foods can help us in the long run when we fight with depression. Our gut is our second brain, so what we consume also has importance. Here are some foods that can reduce your depression.

Gut health is linked to depression, mood and anxiety directly. You can help your body fight depression with adding right foods and removing the bad ones. Significant reduction of cortizol and stress can be removed from yourr system by having a healthy gut, for that probiotics are a must.

Salmon is great for your health and your mood. Omega-3 aides in mental health. It improves provocative activities that will assist with diminishing sadness. Omega-3 aids in the treatment of postpartum depression as well as mental health conditions like schizophrenia and personality disorders.

Green leaves are so important as well. Generally having vegetables and fruits will help you fight with depression. One of the best foods to combat depression is green leafy vegetables, which also contain vitamins A and C and antioxidants that improve mood.