Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick

In response to the Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick, Microsoft has implemented measures to address and prevent its exploitation.

Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick
Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick. (Image: Microsoft)

In a significant change to its subscription offerings, Microsoft has announced that, effective immediately, Xbox Gold subscribers will no longer have the ability to convert their remaining subscription period into an equal duration of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate days.

Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick

While active Gold subscribers will still be allowed to convert their subscriptions to Ultimate, they will now receive a reduced amount of Ultimate days compared to the previous 1:1 conversion ratio. This alteration marks a notable shift in Microsoft's strategy for its subscription services, impacting the options available to Xbox users seeking to upgrade to the more comprehensive Game Pass Ultimate package.

Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick
Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick. (Image: Microsoft)

The regular subscription cost for Xbox Game Pass is $9.99 per month for the standard tier, while the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate tier, which offers additional benefits like an EA Play subscription, Riot games benefits, and free perks on top of the original Game Pass offerings, is priced at $16.99 per month. Although these prices are considered reasonable considering the array of Game Pass benefits provided, they can still be quite expensive for many individuals worldwide. As a result, some players opt to subscribe by upgrading their existing Gold subscriptions as a more affordable alternative.

Microsoft puts an end to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate trick with nerf

As stated on Microsoft's support page, when players choose to upgrade their remaining active periods of Xbox Gold and PC Game Pass to the Ultimate tier, a conversion ratio of 3:2 will be applied. This means that the new amount of Ultimate days received will be three-fifths of the original subscription duration. Similarly, for the conversion of Xbox Game Pass to Ultimate, the ratio will be 4:3, resulting in the player receiving four-thirds of their original Game Pass duration as Ultimate days.

Microsoft takes action against Xbox Gold to Game Pass Ultimate conversion trick
Microsoft puts an end to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate trick with nerf. (Image: Microsoft)

To achieve 12 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, players will now need to purchase at least 18 months of Xbox Gold due to the new conversion ratio implemented by Microsoft. This change applies to both new subscribers and existing Ultimate subscribers, meaning that attempting to extend the duration of Ultimate by purchasing cheaper Gold codes instead of pricier Ultimate codes will not work.

Microsoft's support page provides a comprehensive breakdown of the conversion rates for various subscription lengths, revealing that 1 month of Gold converts to 20 days of Ultimate (a 3:1 ratio), while 3 months of Gold equate to 50 days of Ultimate and 6 months of Gold result in 81 days of Ultimate, roughly a 44% ratio.

These conversion rates appear to be deliberately designed to prevent abuse of subscription codes, especially those acquired through third-party retailers. While subscribing through Gold conversion remains cheaper than an annual Ultimate subscription, with a cost of around $120 compared to $200 for 12 months of Ultimate, it is still a significant adjustment for those seeking more economical ways to enjoy Microsoft's games.

