Twitter has removed 1,500 accounts!

After Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter, trolls have been really active on the plarform. As a result many accounts have been deleted.

Twitter has removed 1,500 accounts!
Twitter removed troll accounts

Shortly after Elon Musk took over the company last week, a coordinated trolling campaign began targeting Twitter. A coordinated group of trolls stated their racist ideas on the platform easily. Even though Elon Musk is a great supporter of freedom of speech, clearly these kind of behaviours were not accepted on Twitter.

Twitter has removed 1,500 accounts!

According to Yoel Roth, the head of safety and security for the company, the purpose of the coordinated effort was to make people believe that Twitter has relaxed its policies. Roth also stated that the company was working to end the campaign that had resulted in an increase in hate speech and other forms of hateful behavior on the website. 

Roth explained that none of those 1,500 accounts belonged to 1,500 individuals. He tweeted, "Many were recurring bad actors." Roth talked about how the website is changing how it enforces its policies regarding harmful tweets, as well as how it is responding to the most recent trolling campaign on Twitter saying "We have a higher threshold for bystander reports in order to determine a violation because bystanders do not always have complete context."
