Science explained: One you know this your dates will go smoother

Dating research suggests there is a trait that makes individuals choose each other. Here are all the details.

Science explained: One you know this your dates will go smoother
Dating science explained

Dating is quite normal in modern world as technology use increases day by day. People basically flirt with each other on daily basis and of course science has explained what needs to be known.  According to a new study conducted by Australian and British researchers, there is an important feature that makes many individuals choose a partner during the dating phase. Let's take a look.

Science explained: One you know this your dates will go smoother

Science explained what is needed for dating

Science explained: One you know this your dates will go smoother - Image 2

People try to get to know how they can attract people and there is science for that too. According to this, individuals who have just met their potential partners are attracted to people who are more similar to them physically and especially in terms of facial features. Research conducted at the universities of Queensland and Stirling revealed that people with similar faces tend to find each other more attractive during the dating phase.

Science explained: One you know this your dates will go smoother - Image 3

Psychology plays a huge role for everything and if people go on a date with someone who has a familiar face they feel closer. Researchers said that "We found that participants found people with geometrically average faces and faces more similar to their own to be attractive"
