Netflix US subscriptions skyrocket in response to aggressive crackdown on password sharing
Netflix US experiences an astounding surge in subscriptions as a direct result of an aggressive crackdown on password sharing.

In a surprising revelation, it appears that password sharing was hindering Netflix's growth potential. Following an aggressive crackdown on password sharing, the streaming giant has experienced a staggering 102% increase in new sign-ups. The crackdown, aimed at curbing unauthorized account sharing, has proven to be a pivotal move for Netflix, as it has resulted in a remarkable surge of fresh subscribers.
Netflix US subscriptions skyrocket in response to aggressive crackdown on password sharing
Data analytics firm Antenna has reported a substantial surge in new Netflix subscribers following the streaming platform's crackdown on password sharing in the United States. In the four days immediately after implementing the measures on May 23, Netflix witnessed a remarkable increase in daily sign-ups, averaging around 73,000, representing a notable 102 percent surge compared to the previous 60-day average. This data highlights the significant impact of the password sharing crackdown, as more users are now opting for individual subscriptions, leading to a significant boost in Netflix's new subscriber numbers.

Later on, Netflix observed a remarkable surge of 100,000 new subscribers on both May 26th and May 27th, marking these days as the single biggest for US sign-ups since tracking began in 2019, according to Antenna's data analysis.

To further solidify its efforts to combat account sharing, Netflix recently announced a new policy in the United States that requires an additional fee of $8 per month for each user who does not reside in the primary account holder's household.

However, it's important to note that only the Standard Plan and Premium Plan currently support the addition of extra members, while the Basic and Standard Plans with Ads have yet to implement this feature. Furthermore, Netflix users in the UK will also be subject to an additional £4.99 charge per month for each additional member added to their account.